Display Posts – Easy lists, grids, navigation, and more


Display Posts allows you easily list content from all across your website. Start by adding this shortcode in the content editor to display a list of your most recent posts:


Filter by Category

To only show posts within a certain category, use the category parameter:

[display-posts category="news"]

Display as Post Grid

You can create a great looking, column-based grid of posts with a bit of styling. Here’s how!

List Popular Posts
You can highlight your popular content in multiple ways. If you want to feature the posts with the most comments, use:

[display-posts orderby="comment_count"]

You can also list most popular posts by social shares.

Include thumbnails, excerpts, and more
The display parameters let you control what information is displayed for each post. To include an image and summary, use:

[display-posts include_excerpt="true" image_size="thumbnail"]

You can use any image size added by WordPress (thumbnail, medium, medium_large, large) OR any custom image size added by your theme or other plugins.

Sort the list however you like
By default the listing will list the newest content first, but you can order by title, menu order, relevance, content type, metadata, and more.

List upcoming events
You can easily list upcoming events from any event calendar. Each plugin will require slightly different code.

Here are tutorials for popular event calendar plugins. If your plugin is not listed here, submit a support request and I’ll add it!

Our tutorials cover common customization requests, and are updated often.

Full Documentation

  • Query parameters for customizing which posts are listed (filter by category, tag, date…)
  • Display parameters determine how the posts appear (title, excerpt, image…)
  • Template parts for Display Posts to perfectly match your theme’s post listings
  • Output filter for complete control over how the listing looks on your site
  • Filters for even more powerful customizations for developers



  1. Upload display-posts-shortcode to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory.
  2. Activate the plugin through the Plugins menu in WordPress.
  3. Add the [display-posts] shortcode to a post or page.


20. dets. 2023
Themes often override page layout/template options when designating them to built in posts archive page – this plugin allowed a simple display of posts just as I required using a shortcode, allowing me to have full control over the environment it was placed in.Will require CSS knowledge to adjust appearance. If that is not for you then purchase a plugin that offers those adjustments via GUI.
11. sept. 2023
This plug is very easy to use and the best solution we have found to display lists of posts. We did do a bit of CSS/customization work to display the posts just the way we wanted (Small image, title only, etc), but there are out-of-the-box customization options that are very good. We have added their shortcodes on hundreds of pages to automatically display related posts that have the same tag (at the end of each post). You will need to spend at least 10-15 minutes to review their documentation on “Display settings” or “Filter settings” to understand how the shortcodes work. Overall: A+
2. juuni 2023
I have used this more then once when the Query block can not handle it.
Read all 162 reviews

Contributors & Developers

“Display Posts – Easy lists, grids, navigation, and more” is open source software. The following people have contributed to this plugin.



Version 3.0.3
* Bumped the “Tested To” number to WP 6.6
* Updated text of the plugin notice

Version 3.0.2
* Added pre_display_posts_shortcode_output filter before shortcode runs, used for transient caching, see #210
* Updated plugin to pass coding standards, see #214
* Removed survey admin notice, see #213
* Don’t display empty term list, see #208

Version 3.0.1
* Prevent empty empty parameters from being added to the query, see #207

Version 3.0.0
* Added author_id parameter, see #195
* Added has_password parameter
* Added s parameter for performing a site search, see #184
* Added date_format=”relative” format option (ex: 2 days ago), see #194
* Added post_parent__in and post_parent__not_in parameters, see #193
* Added excerpt_dash=”false” option to disable dash in excerpt, see #204
* Added additional parameters to the display_posts_shortcode_output filter
* Added additional parameters to the display_posts_shortcode_category_display filter, see #185
* $dps_listing loop now accessible globally, see #198
* $dps_listing loop now accessible in open/close filters
* Added .excerpt-more class to excerpt more text, see #205
* Now excerpt_more text is always appended to end of excerpt, see #197
* In parameters that support multiple terms, they can now be separated with a comma or comma-space, see #183

Version 2.9.0
* New parameter exclude for excluding specific post IDs, see #154
* New parameter category_id for specifying category by ID (note: only accepts a single ID), see #156
* New parameter include_date_modified for displaying the date the post was last updated, see #150
* Shortcode title now appears above the wrapper (ul/ol/div), fixing invalid markup, see #165
* Limit visibility to readable posts

Version 2.8.0
* Added include_link=”false” to remove link from post title and image, see #137
* Fixed category display when using multiple post types, see #143
* Fixed issue combining multiple taxonomies, see #131

Version 2.7.0
* Added support for Co-Authors Plus Addon.
* Added parameter to exclude children terms in tax queries, more information
* Added a filter to display the full version of manual excerpt, regardless of excerpt_length. more information
* Removed shortcodes from custom excerpts, more information
* Fixed private post visibility, more information

Version 2.6.2
* More improvements to excerpts, see #110
* Added content_class parameter
* Fix date query bug, see #108
* Fixed undefined variable notice if include_title=”false”

Version 2.6.1
* Fix issue with manually specified excerpts

Version 2.6

  • Add support for author=”current”
  • Add support for multiple wrapper classes
  • Add support for excerpt_length parameter
  • Add support for excerpt_more parameter

Version 2.5.1

  • Fix an issue with manually specified excerpts

Version 2.5

  • Add support for date queries
  • Exclude child pages with post_parent=”0″
  • Query by current taxonomy terms. Ex: [display-posts taxonomy=”category” tax_term=”current”]
  • Display the post’s categories with [display-posts category_display=”true”]
  • Many more fixes. See GitHub for a full list of changes.

Version 2.4

  • Add ’include_author’ parameter
  • Add ‘exclude_current’ parameter for excluding the current post from the results
  • If you display the full content of results, additional uses of the shortcode within those posts are now turned off
  • Other minor improvements

Version 2.3

  • Include the shortcode attributes on wrapper filter
  • Add ‘no_posts_message’ parameter to specify content displayed if no posts found
  • Add filters to the title and permalink
  • Limit private posts to logged in users
  • Add support for excluding sticky posts
  • Add support for ordering by meta_key

Version 2.2

  • Use original attributes for filters
  • Add support for multiple taxonomy queries
  • Add filter for post classes
  • Add support for post content in the post loop

Version 2.1

  • Add support for post status
  • Add support for post author
  • Add support for post offset

Version 2.0

  • Explicitly declare arguments, props danielbachhuber
  • Sanitize each shortcode attribute for security, props danielbachhuber

Version 1.9

  • Add ’date_format’ parameter, so you can customize how dates are displayed
  • Added a class of .excerpt-dash so CSS can be used to remove the dash
  • Cleaned up the codebase according to WordPress coding standards

Version 1.8

  • Added display_posts_shortcode_no_results filter for displaying content if there’s no posts matching current query.
  • Add support for multiple post types. [display-posts post_type=”page, post”]

Version 1.7

  • Added id argument to specify specific post IDs
  • Added display_posts_shortcode_args filter in case the arguments you want aren’t already included in the shortcode. See example: http://www.billerickson.net/code/display-posts-shortcode-exclude-posts/

Version 1.6

  • Added post_parent where you can specify a parent by ID, or you can say post_parent=current and it will use the current page’s ID.
  • Added wrapper where you can decide if the posts are an unordered list, ordered list, or div’s
  • Added support for multiple taxonomy terms (comma separated) and taxonomy operator (IN, NOT IN, or AND).

Version 1.5
* For the sake of clarity I’m changing version numbers. No feature changes

Version 0.1.5
* Added a filter (display_posts_shortcode_output) so you can modify the output of individual posts however you like.

Version 0.1.4

  • Added post_type, taxonomy, tax_term, and include_excerpt
  • Added classes to each part of the listing (image, title, date, excerpt) to make it easier to change the look using CSS

Version 0.1.3

  • Updated Readme

Version 0.1.2

  • Added image_size option

Version 0.1.1

  • Fix spacing issue in plugin

Version 0.1

  • This is version 0.1. Everything’s new!